Aquinas on Religious Vocation

Butler on Religious Vocation in Aquinas

Vocation in Aquinas

For many young people the idea of a religious vocation is something very mysterious. They may want to become religious, but suppose that they must find some secret “something” deep within themselves, if they are to enter a religious community. In this recently republished book, “Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery“, Fr. Richard Butler turns to that great theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, to find the traditional view of vocation. Renowned for his clarity in general, it is the same when Thomas Aquinas speaks about religious vocation. The view of vocation according to Aquinas is quite simple: Christ himself proposed the religious life as the best way for attaining Christian perfection in love: “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” And so, if you would like to live this radical Christian life as a religious, and are willing to do what it takes, then go for it! Christ will support you by his grace!

Read quotes from the book, or go the original source, and read texts of Aquinas on religious vocation.

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